From Blue to Green

“Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.” – Kara Goucher

It’s been hard to read anything about running recently since I’ve had plantar fasciitis, but this quote on the Runner’s World Facebook page rang true this morning.

I’ve been in a big bump in the road. My foot feels worse instead of better, and I’ve started wearing a boot in the daytime as well as a splint at night. My therapist has me doing eccentric exercises as well as stretching, ultrasound and massages. We just tried Iontophoresis at my request on Friday, and that felt pretty good.

But I know that I won’t be running for a while. I can’t even walk my dog! 10439431_10152228599141025_5643597651967761252_n

Being very goal-driven, I’ve struggled since my triathlon in August with NOT having a goal. I feel like I’ve been floundering. I’m not inspired to swim and have trouble getting out on my bike. Candy Ass reached out and suggested I borrow her yoga DVD after my last blog, and then I realized that I have several yoga and pilates DVD’s of my own.

After huffing and puffing through something I own called a Cardio Yoga workout, I almost died. This was supposed to be relaxing, but I felt weak and discouraged. Ballet Boy, who is also Mr. Flexible and incredibly strong in the lower body, commented that Cardio Yoga was nothing like any Yoga class he had taken. So I bought an easier DVD with six workouts, including two short meditation sequences. I’ve started doing Pilates and hitting the bike trainer on rainy days.

And I feel better. No more blues.

Ha, no surprise! The big revelation is that I’ve accepted my sleepier, less active state. I’ve accepted that this is a time of healing of my foot, and taking some time to focus on breathing and relaxation. I can look forward, because I’m enjoying the moment, or the bump in the road, and I feel less impatient to keep travelling.

This is coupled by the satisfaction that little by little I am going green. I’m trying to use up products before throwing them away since I can’t afford to buy a ton of new stuff, but last week I made my own vinegar and water spray for the kitchen counters. And it works! Next in line will be laundry detergent.Sustainability

I got some free samples of Origins facial oil and skin cream at Sephoras. I love the product, but it is quite beyond my economic means. In the meantime, I’m enjoying the samples of paraben free, plant-based cosmetics. We have a store in town called the Soap Opera that makes simple, unscented Vitamin E creams and other products that I may try next. I’d like to experiment with almond oil and my own mixes. I’m not having a lot of success with my Tom’s and Kiss My Face Deodorant. They just don’t last as long as Secret. But I will have to deal with that.

I wonder why I haven’t been more careful all my life, inspite of being part of a vegetarian Co-Op at Oberlin College in the 1980s.  I hope to raise my son to go green. It’s amazing how many chemicals and pesticides have been introduced into our lives. I’d like to eradicate as many as possible. I feel better knowing that I’m simplifying, preventing cancer and helping my hormonal balance by respecting my body and what I put in and on it.

Maybe my homemade cleaning supplies will balance out the cost of organic vegetables. I’m glad I grew kale, squash and tomatoes this year as I’ve been eating daily yummy meals out of the garden, like this Thai coconut milk butternut squash soup prepared by the Brewmaster.


I’m counting my blessings (Ballet Boy, the Brewmaster, Rose and a happy home) and taking time to breathe.

What could be better?

Published by cellistwhotris

I am foremost a mom, then a cellist and an athlete. A triathlete!

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